Thu Aug 24, 2006
I give up. If I want to do any horse shows, I need a different horse.
Yeah, another embarassment at the benefit "fun" show last night. Short of shoving firecrackers up his arse, Quzqo ain't NO show horse and he proved it. When your horse stands YAWNING in the line-up...not good. He was THE most un-motivated beast I've ever seen!
When you can get your "Arabian" into a sweet, slow, shuffling JOG TROT during the WARM-UP...not a good sign for any kind of spunk later on!
Well, he did fine at the trot (had to squeeze him up into something ground-covering for gosh sakes!), really ass-dragging at the walk, and for the canter...well...let's just say he took his leads...every single time I had to cue him for the gait! Which was an average of FIVE TIMES each direction because the little slug kept STOPPING or slowing down to a trot!
Needless to say, we didn't even get booby prize...and were beaten by a couple of Paints that ALSO broke gait from the canter, LOL...but they only did it a few times...I guess our dozen was the deciding factor.
Yeah, yeah, my friend with the Paint took 1st (GRRRR), and went on to place well in the Western classes.
Guess I'll focus the next week or so on cantering, and trying to get it through SOMEbody's little horsey brain that it's okay to canter for more than 10 seconds at a time, and when cantering, you don't HAVE to go full-speed!
Only consolation is, I bet those fancy show Arabians that were sweeping all the other classes (5-figure Class A horses from Wayne Newton's ranch) probably wouldn't step over a dead raccoon on a roadside by gosh!
I'm used to Crazy though! This Lazy thing is a whole 'nuther ball of wax!
Well, I guess slogging along is better than almost running over the judge, eh?
I forgot to mention that the MORONS who run the fairgrounds left the lawn sprinklers on too long, so pretty much the entire rail area of the arena was SOAKED muddy puddles, so some of the nonsense that went on was horses avoiding the swampy areas. I'm sure that contributed to Quzqo's silliness (he doesn't like sloggy swampy bits...but he LOVES actual puddles, go figger)
Ah well, look at all the money I'll save by NOT further pursueing any horse showing really...don't need to waste money on Western junk & fees.
11 months ago