9 months ago
Sunday, June 27, 2004
I'm sick and tired, but...
Sun Jun 27, 2004
Yeah, I dragged my sick old self out to the barn. Well, crikey, I hadn't spoken to another living human being since Thursday, and with the TV FUBAR, I was going crazy. Felt good enough to sit on the ground and hand-weed and thin my 40 feet of carrots...that I can handle!
But went out to the barn, it was quite deserted due to that big horse show I couldn't go to because I'm sick. Quzqo was camped at the end of the long aisleway out in the field, I thought Oh Good, he's close in, what a good boy!!!
The little turd let me get within 10 feet of him before he turned his butt and started walking off towards the open field. Just kept walking, tail switching...so I tried to keep up with him off to the side...of course he pulled away from me as he walked away, and away, and away....GRRRGH! I
suppose he remembers the last time he saw me, he got poked by the Vet...so I can't blame him, but come ON...I'm sick! I don't need to go traipsing across 30 acres after a horse!!!
He finally stopped about 2/3 of the way across, and let me get close enough to give him his carrot, which he took and WALKED AWAY as he chewed! The little shit! LOL! So I continued walking "beside" him, keeping pace, hoping he'd stop when he reached the other horses...
See, he doesn't have a halter when he's out in the field, otherwise maybe I could have snapped the lead on it.
Finally he stopped near the farthest point possible...I had a handful of clover and grass, and this time he deigned to allow me to loop the lead over his neck! I guess he figured he punished me enough, because he came back to the barn rather willingly!!
Thank goodness the farrier is going to trim him tomorrow, he tore a HUGE hunk of his hoof off in the past 3 days...they're still overgrown, now I wish the guy had trimmed him last week, no matter how tired he was.
Didn't ride him, I'm too worn out from being sick, but we did go out to the outside arena and did some lunging & Parelli junk. He was full of beans for sure, running like a nut on the end of the line...about time!! They had set up some rudimentary trail obstacles in the arena (cones, poles, a "bridge"), so just for yuks I wanted to see if he'd even step on the bridge (it was about 8" tall step-up). Course not the first time, but the second time we came around, he paused, thought about it, and damned if he didn't step right up and was happy as a clam to just stand there on the bridge!! I think he enjoyed being taller, ha! Surprised me, and pleased me as you might
I think he forgave me for the shots, or else forgot about it, he was pretty mellow and friendly by the time I put him in his stall for the evening. I think I might lengthen his bridle path a bit, show off that purdy Arabian face of his...he'll look nice with his new feet tomorrow too!
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