Sat Aug 21, 2004
Okay, yeah, it was in Leadline, where ALL the competitors do SOOO well, the judge just can't make up his mind, so he awards Blue Ribbons to EVERYone! Whoo! Hey, it fakes out the 6 & under crowd, so who cares!
Day One of the Windsonnet Jackpot Series today...My niece brought her kids & HER niece out last night to practice leadline...they picked it up pretty darn good, but the boy was upset he couldn't make Quzqo back up, where both the girls (5 & 6) were able to get him to back a step! Had to laugh (inwardly)...the Niece's niece is something of a brat...think of that blonde girl in "RugRats" (I forget the name), but that's her. Shrill, loud, spoiled... When my niece tried to lift her up onto Quzqo's back, Quzqo shied AWAY from her! LOL!! The other two kids, he didn't care, but when that girl was approaching the saddle, he didn't want any part of it! Heh heh. Horses know...
ANYway, this show today was a lot smaller than our last one, but still a decent crowd considering. Our Pleasure Type Geldings had 3 entries...two Arabians and a Morgan. Quzqo did pretty good, although I couldn't get him to stand still nor to get "set up"...I was able to mesmerize him with a clod of soil from the arena floor, got his ears to prick way up and forward...he knew I had "something" in my hand but he knew it wasn't an apple or carrot,
heh! I'll have to remember that trick. But, we placed 2nd behind the Morgan!! An obvious A-circuit type showhorse at that! We won't dwell on the fact the 3rd place Arabian was fat and missing half its tail (obviously lost in an accident...half the tailbone gone, I should get pix if he's there tomorrow)...(the judged asked the girl showing him if he was part Hackney..LOL! Good quality judge, that one!)
Which meant we got to do the Showback Thing again, although I pretty much assume any 2nd placer has little chance of winning anything, but we did it anyway, and didn't get anything, but it's good experience for both of us.
Then the MADRUSHDASH back to the barn to slap tack on the horse, as there was about 6 minutes before Leadline (they had to do the Stock Type Championship showback)...THAT was chaos...a worried figity Arabian, FOUR kids under the age of 7 getting in the way, my Niece trying to juggle camera, children, and be wary of the staples in her stomach from a Caesarian
three weeks ago (a boy! #4!). Managed to get the horse dressed, and back down to the arena with minutes to spare!
Leadline was fun, and danged if GJ, the boy, didn't steer that horse by himself!! We had to walk in a big circle to the right, stop, reverse, walk a big circle to the left, come back to the center, stop, and back for the judge! He did it all himself...I made a point of keeping lots of slack in the lead snapped to the bit, so the judge could appreciate that the kid WAS doing the driving...albeit a bit drunkenly at times, LOL. I was downright astonished when GJ managed to get Quzqo to back two steps!! That damned horse just tucked his head so softly, and stepped backwards... Arrgh! I need to have 6 yr olds train him (maybe because he and the kid are the same age, LOL)
The other child in the class was a boy around 5, on a squat little brown pony, and my niece tells me it was obvious the girl leading him WAS leading him, the kid didn't do any steering by himself...harrumph! I'd think GJ would get extra credit for riding a full-sized horse, PLUS his feet were nowhere near the stirrups, PLUS the saddle had no horn! But, as I mentioned earlier...both boys got 1st place rosettes, which GJ was pretty nonplussed over, almost embarassed and irritated that anyone would make a fuss over it! LOL! I bet that lasted until he got home...probably will sleep with it tonight, ha!
So, Quzqo has a red rosette hanging on his stall now...that makes two reds, a yellow, a white and two greens for his show career!
Astute observers may note that Quzqo's mane has somehow migrated to the OTHER side of his neck from the last show. Don't ask me how, it just happened!
Tomorrow we get to do it alll over again...oh, joy.
9 months ago
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