Thursday, June 11, 2009

He's Back!

Yes, the Quzqo I know and love has returned!!

I haven't ridden him off the property since that near-disastrous Memorial Weekend Poker Run Trail Ride nearly 2 weeks ago. The few times I took him around the fence perimeter, it was like riding a Mexican jumping bean on Starbucks...jittery, spooky, jumpy, twitchy snorty tail-wringy equine incarnation of Mr. Chicken!

But tonight I took Quzqo out and off the property. The big difference was that it was nearing sundown, he'd already enjoyed his dinner, and just in a mellow kinda mood all around.

We cantered up the hayfield until he pooped out near the top of the hill, gave a prefunctory Drama Queen performance as we left the barn property, and up into the woods and down a dirt road. I was admiring the late spring wildflowers and the sweet smell of honeysuckle, listening to the clip-clop of Quzqo's hooves on the hard dirt. Suddenly there was a crash to the left in the trees, and I the south end of a Whitetail Deer heading north!

Quzqo halted mid-step, pricked his ears, lowered his head and continued walking.

I don't know what caused the change in personality, but I like THAT is the Quzqo I knew and loved!!!

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