Monday, September 5, 2005

Learning To Side-Pass

Fri Sep 9, 2005

We've begun our training! By next Spring Quzqo will be able to side pass so sweet, we'll be able to do trail classes!!!

Started Wednesday, but I didn't have any carrots for clicker-treats, so I pretty much just annoyed him by pushing my hand into his side and trying to make him move, LOL! Got a few sideways steps (both front and back at the same time) and made sure to praise him to the moon for it!

Today I had carrots for clicker treats, and he LOVES clicker-training (treats!)...we did one session before I rode him and got a few good side-steps (I was happy if he just took ONE step)...he caught on quicker with the clicker I think!

Nice uneventful trail ride around the property with BillyBob the Corgi...LOL, we got trotting Quzqo 's usual trot along the fenceline...and Billy was AHEAD of us!!!! Quzqo can be outrun by a CORGI! What does THAT tell ya???? Jeeze Louise!

Once we got back to the barn and untacked, we tried side-passing again, and dayum if he didn't step sideways SO sweet with minimal pressure from my hand!!!! Both directions!!! Oh, you bet we're going to work on this for a week or two...I'm so pleased with Himself! He was pleased with the carrots, LOL!

Sunday, September 4, 2005

The Chic of Araby

Sun Sep 4, 2005

A good California friend was so good as to let me borrow one of her real genuine Arabian halters for Himself to wear to the horse show this weekend!! It made quite a splash, and he got a LOT of complements with it!! It also had the added benefit of occupying Him before the class as he tried to eat the tassels.

Ain't he PURDY!!!????

He showed VERY well for me with it today (Sunday) (I chickened out yesterday and used his American halter), and the judges even gave me some pointers on how to pose him (I had been posing him with his one hind leg too far back, which made his hips uneven...never noticed that!)

It was a fun show...not a Fun Show, but a fun show...held at the barn where I board. And like last month (well, late July) they RAN OUT OF ROSETTES!! And gave out the colored squares of cardboard that you could exchange for tack/etc. RRRGH!

I did manage to get ONE red rosette to commemorate Quzqo's 2nd placing in his Saturday halter class...we were again beaten by that Paint/Shire cross at the barn. There was another LOVELY chestnut Arabian in our class with a beautiful neck (but not as purdy a head as Coos)...after judging, one judge walked up to the woman and said "I've got some bad news for you..." and proceeded to inform her that her short-sleeved shirt was not allowed in a halter class, and therefore she'd been disqualified from the class!!! Whaaaa??? She argued that it's allowed at Arabian Shows (it is??? News to ME), but the judges weren't buying it and she was FUBAR.

So, I will never know if Quzqo truly would have placed 2nd out of 3, or would have been 3rd out of 3. But since that woman had also shaved off the horse's EYELASHES...I've no sympathy for her.

That woman brought a couple of Arabians to show, she had a VERY nice gelding she showed in the English classes...Huntseat, complete with French Braid and braided tail, and little diamonds combed into the horse's butt (I used to do checkerboards on Tezlu's butt...can't do that stuff with doesn't show!)...and she did quite well, placing in all her classes. We talked a little bit later as I was waiting for a class, and she expressed sadistic glee in the fact she was able to BEAT those professional trainers on their stock horses, LOL. But considering she shows at Class "A" Arabian shows...not that much of an achievement. Now if *I* was able to beat them...that'd be something.

No, I almost changed Quzqo's name to Ibn Ben Lastplace...we showed Novice, and placed 3rd out of 3 in Equitation (I must suck as a rider!), we didn't place at all in the Novice Step-Up (cantering...which he had a lot of trouble doing, which is why we didn't place...7th out of 7!) And 3rd out of 3 in Huntseat Pleasure. GRRRGH! Only bright spot of the day was the wonderful steak BBQ after the show!

I was so discouraged after yesterday that today I decided to take it easy, and just do the halter, then go for a trail ride! As it turned out, I got 3 other people to come along on the teenage girl was SO burnt out from showing (her gelding, too), she jumped at the chance for a relaxing ride! The other two ladies were showing Western, but they had about 2-3 hours to kill while the English and trail classes went on, and rather than trot their horses in circles in the back field trying to warm them up...they agreed a 90-minute trail ride might be more fun! And it was...perfectly peaceful and uneventful ride, and more fun for me than doing those nasty English Pleasure classes again! (and cheaper, at $8/class!!!!)(double-judged). you can see by the 2nd picture...GRAND CHAMPION PLEASURE TYPE HALTER!!! WHOOOOHOOOOO!!!

Okay...he was the only one entered today in the whole show. LOL! Yesterday there were 8 horses/ponies in the Pleasure Division, today, just Himself (the Paint/Shire cross stayed in his stall). But hey, we don't need to broadcast that fact. The showholder even gave me a blue rosette because she figured he also deserved Reserve Grand, "because we like you" LOL! (and two stoopid cardboard squares). Okay, she's also the barn owner's wife, but still, ha!

After I was done at the barn today, I cashed in my stoopid cardboard squares (four yellow, one red, two blue) for a stiff mud brush, a metal curry comb/shedding blade, and a mane comb. Eh, might sell 'em at my yard sale next weekend, LOL, get some of that money back!