Fri Sep 9, 2005
We've begun our training! By next Spring Quzqo will be able to side pass so sweet, we'll be able to do trail classes!!!
Started Wednesday, but I didn't have any carrots for clicker-treats, so I pretty much just annoyed him by pushing my hand into his side and trying to make him move, LOL! Got a few sideways steps (both front and back at the same time) and made sure to praise him to the moon for it!
Today I had carrots for clicker treats, and he LOVES clicker-training (treats!)...we did one session before I rode him and got a few good side-steps (I was happy if he just took ONE step)...he caught on quicker with the clicker I think!
Nice uneventful trail ride around the property with BillyBob the Corgi...LOL, we got trotting Quzqo 's usual trot along the fenceline...and Billy was AHEAD of us!!!! Quzqo can be outrun by a CORGI! What does THAT tell ya???? Jeeze Louise!
Once we got back to the barn and untacked, we tried side-passing again, and dayum if he didn't step sideways SO sweet with minimal pressure from my hand!!!! Both directions!!! Oh, you bet we're going to work on this for a week or two...I'm so pleased with Himself! He was pleased with the carrots, LOL!
10 months ago
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