Sat Apr 14, 2007
Well, yesterday somebody (it's always "somebody") left the gate to the mare's pasture open, and "somehow" the geldings got in there (again), and reportedly Quzqo was trying to hump my farrier's HUGE black Paint mare, BWAHAHAHAA! She spun around and lunged at him, and he zoomed out of the pasture back into the gelding's pasture! BWAHAHA!!!
That mare's gotta be the HECK Coos even entertained the fantasy that he could reach the proper orifice...LOL! I'm impressed though!
Had a boring ride today, because the horse wasn't in the mood and was doing everything he could to get out of work. There's still a substantial amount of snow on the ground, so I was only able to walk him around in the empty pasture a bit. Never mind it's sunny and gorgeous, there's still durned snow!
BUT...two of the Young Teen Boys were dinking around on the one's damned ATV that he keeps at the barn...the boy with the ATV also has a horse there that he doesn't technically own, but is leasing as long as he keeps his grades up. My farrier (who is also the 4-H leader) has forbidden the kid from riding the mare until he knows how to handle her on the's a long story. So instead of working with his horse, he and his buddy (the brother of a teen who boards her young QH there) were jacking around on the ATV.
Well, the little jerks-in-training opened the gate to the geldings' pasture and drove the ATV in...(they did shut it behind them...I was watching from the barn), and then proceeded to bomb around the pasture!! Luckily the snow was deep and slushy, so they couldn't get up any speed, but the noise and activity spooked the horses, and soon they had the entire herd stampeding from one end to the other!! A few of the horses were slipping in the mud and snow even! GRRRRR! Thankfully Quzqo was in his stall and missed out, but you can be certain the next time I see Bob, he's getting an earful!!! We aren't paying $300/mo to have our horses terrorized by a noisy ATV in their own pasture!!
Why they couldn't "play" in the two huge empty pastures, which are just as hilly and full of snow. What if the horses broke through the fence and ran into the road and got hit and killed a family of four? What if they slipped and broke a leg? What if the kids flipped over and got trampled? Totally unacceptable!!!
I don't like the fact they ARE driving that damned noisy thing around, especially if I'm riding outside. I'd think I, a paying customer, would have priority over that sort of bullshit.
The farrier already told them that if they're at the barn, they're to be WORKING, and not jerking off...sweep, hose down the arena, stack firewood, SOMEthing, not just throwing themselves into snowbanks or, as they were doing last week, jumping out of the hayloft into the sawdust piles! A good 10-15 foot drop! GADS! Insurance Liability HELL in the making!
Both boys are from "broken homes"...shit, there's a LOT of kids there from broken homes. The twerpy annoying Tween told me yesterday that her dad's in jail for the fifth time for possession and DUI! Oh, goody!!!
Raise the board some more, Bob, you need a higher class of clientele!!!!
Gonna drive the horse tomorrow, and nobody better be blatting around on any damned ATVs!!!
Can't yell at them if they can't hear me over THE NOISE OF THE ATV!! Ha! I yelled at them last fall when they were rassling in the arena dirt while I was trying to ride my horse...they'd been avoiding me ever since.
Trouble is, the kids pretty much ALL do whatever they want, if Bob, or my farrier isn't around. Ride w/o helmets, ride bareback, drive ATVs...Bob has told the young Tween Twerp with the Jailbird Father she is NOT to ride her (leased) horse bareback, yet she was doing that very thing helmet, and just a halter and lead rope. Thank God for the Michigan Equine Liability Act, but still, if one of them gets hurt, that'll interfere with MY riding, LOL!
I don't remember the kids acting up at all at the barn where I used to board...but they were more expensive, and thus, a higher class of clientele. If they weren't 14 miles away, I'd consider moving back...except they have no place to ride BUT their indoor arena. No thanks.
If the snow would melt, I could go on trail rides, and I wouldn't CARE what the damned kids were doing back at the barn, lol!
10 months ago
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