Wed Aug 8, 2007
Naughty naughty me!
Went to the barn last night...and RODE MY HORSE! Bwahahahaaa! Strictly against Doctor's Orders, HA!! Luckily it was hot & the horse was tired (he was yawning while I tried to put his bitless bridle on him). My new Endurance/Trail Riding Shoes arrived, so had to put them to the test (could BARELY get my swollen right foot into 'em, but I managed!)
All went well until I mounted (using the mounting block). AUUGH! Didn't occur to me that putting weight on the bad ankle & pushing upwards might cause excrutiating agony, LOL! Yikes! No permanent damage done, other than my leg killing me the whole time I rode, which took the fun out of it. I couldn't even bend it enough to put it in the stirrup, so I rode stirrupless.
Coos was gooder than gold (of course), we just walked around the indoor arena, and I was pleased that he remembered such things as backing, lateral bends & turns on the haunches. The thought of trotting briefly crossed my mind but it quickly went away, replaced by fear, lol! I rode about 15 minutes I think, before giving up & found a soft spot near the gate to dismount. That worried me more than getting on, but I was able to slide off and land solely on my good foot, so no problems with that.
I think the horse enjoyed "doing something", why else was he so good! Happily my leg isn't killing me this morning (yet), so no harm done, and I got that out of my system & probably won't feel like doing it again any time soon, lol!
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