Sunday, October 9, 2005

Double The Grain, Double The Fun!

Sun Oct 9, 2005

Well, it's been nearly 2 weeks now that Quzqo's been enjoying (and how) DOUBLE grain rations (trying to fatten him up for winter, he was SO skinny I was shocked and worried!!). Last weekend he was Mr. Draggy Butt, but this weekend, Hoowheee, combined double grain with cool Fall weather, and we had a trail ride that was ALMOST Tezluesque in its activity level!

A bunch of us ladies went trail blazing hither and yon, we had NO idea where we were going, we'd see a two-track and take it, went through some lovely hardwoods...Fall colors are nowhere near their peak yet (late!), but it was pretty all the same. Never did stumble across anyone's meth lab in the woods, or someone's marijuana growing operation, thank goodness, although we did find a rather nice end table!

Let's just say Mr. Quzqo was steppin' out! We got to running up a sandy hill, the little bugger grabbed the non-existant bit in his mouth and RAN, head high, wouldn't slow down for love nor money...okay, he did slow down for love, only because we caught up to this Paint mare he's in love with, LOL! Big brown butt blocking the trail will slow any horse! I didn't mind, I had my super-secure trail saddle, I wasn't going anywhere, LOL!

Was a good ride...on the way back Quzqo was in the LEAD most of the way! There's an unusual occurance! Got a lot of high-powered trotting in, the kind where it's easier to just stand in the stirrups! My friend on the Paint (the same lady who took us to horse shows this past summer, she trailered in for the day) even commented how lovely he looked with his nostrils flaring and tail held high, as we blew past her on the trail, LOL! The little shit even JUMPED a log and took off, frightening the other horses behind us, LOL! Yep, very reminiscent of Tezlu, only without the pulling and blind terror!

Coos is gaining a bit of weight, or else his fur is getting thicker....once he gets back up to where I can't SEE his ribs through his heavy fur, I'll cut his grain back...besides, by then, it'll be firearm deer season and I won't be trail riding that much, then the snow will come and that'll be the end of that.

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