Sun Aug 15, 2004
Hoorah, they dumped tractorloads of rocks on Tezlu! That sounds strange, doesn't it? The Teenager & Pre-Teen boy at the barn (yep, only two...6 girls to each boy, what a deal), used the tractor with the bucket to gather up rocks & dirt & fill in the hole and add to it. According to the barn owner, he suspects it WAS coyotes, because they could hear them at night. Oh, wouldn't that make for great sleep...hearing yapping and yowling nearby, knowing they're ripping at the rotting carcass of a beloved horse. *sigh*. Hope this stops them, and they don't just dig another hole in.
I suspect something nasty happened while they were dumping the rocks, because suddenly there was a LOT of top-of-the-lungs yelling and hollering from the boys out in the field...I was about 1/4 mile away with Quzqo by the arena, but I sure heard it, LOL! Didn't sound like arguing, sounded like something really upsetting. I hope the weight of the rocks didn't cause the
carcass to "pop"...they were yelling loud enough to make me wonder. Wind was blowing away from me, so I won't know. But I hope that takes care of it. I feel a little better knowing it was coyotes somehow. They aren't liable to come bouncing around the yard with a leg in their mouth.
I took Leela the Dalmatian out with me (leaving her in the car until I was ready to ride, so as to safeguard the new barn kittens), she hasn't been on a trail ride in over a year. See how Quzqo likes her and all. Surprise to me...she didn't "get it" that I was on a new horse...was the strangest thing...she kept looking around for me, never mind I was yards away! She's used to looking for dark legs with white feet, not white legs! Then she started acting worried and fearful, like Quzqo was dangerous to her...then she decided that playing with the Aussie Shepherd pup was more fun than coming with Mom. Sooo...she earned herself more sitting in the car with no fun time.
Mr. Quzqo is toting a major 'tude this weekend, maybe it's the cool weather (high of 70 today), maybe he's just showing his true colors. But he sure was acting like his cartoon namesake (the arrogant, spoiled human version!!). He earned himself more than one pop with Mr. Whip...he even balked, head-tossed, and reared up twice rather than walk around the corner of the fence to the trail around the fenceline! Oh, yes, he did walk the walk, after Mr. Whip had a short conversation with his butt! He tried a few more little tricks and antics, each one answered in kind with either heels and legs or Mr. Whip. Don't want you to think I'm out there beating on the horse now, we're talking quick, single taps (never more than a tap, don't need more)...and he lowers his head and moodily trudges onwards. I quipped to one of the barn ladies there that it's like dealing with a 13 yr old boy at times. At least I won't have the hormone troubles, heh heh.
Both yesterday and today we had nice trail rides outside the fenceline, today we did some 'sploring in the Forbidden Woods (why did they post the "no trespassing" signs far enough apart that you can walk a horse right between them???), he did VERY good, not a spook or twitch or quiver!! On the way home he was just a'draggin', worse than Tezlu ever did!! Lolly-gagging along, trying to grab some grass or clover, gawking around, just being a snot. So, got his lazy butt trotting, which he didn't like and kept trying to slow down...nope, the heels say TROT! And he did, poor overworked lad. I did try backing him on the trail, by facing him into some dense trees...and after some snotty hesitation, he backed TWO steps for me! We're getting there.
Yes, I can see where an inexperienced or timid rider might have had trouble with him, which might be why he ended up at auction. But unluckily for him, *I* can give as good as I'm given...which he knows, he just chooses to forget occasionally!
Horse show this coming weekend!!! Halter & Leadline! Thus begins the Makeover once again! Need to dig out my White Horse Shampoo and baby oil and styling gel and hoof polish and...
10 months ago
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