Thursday, September 16, 2004

Why are there so many effing stupid people in the world!

Sat Oct 16, 2004

I left Quzqo tied in the aisle for 30 seconds while I went into the tack room to look for the Show Sheen...I hear a BIG loud commotion thundering down the stairs to the arena part of the barn...I come out of the tack room into a crowd of about 8 teenage girls, who HELPfully informed me my horse had just gotten himself tangled up in the arena railing...had gotten a foreleg up over the 2nd rail! If he did that, it was probably because you FARKING MORONS came tromping and hollering down the farking stairs!!

So, now Quzqo is lame...rode him a little bit, his hobbling on the forehand gave me SO many memories of riding Tezlu...*sigh*. He probably (hopefully) pulled a muscle or something, rearing back and up and flinging his leg over the rail. Will give him a couple days' rest I guess.

Farking Morons.

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