Y'know what I think is great? That I can now harness up the horse, hitch him up by myself, and hop in and take off without the fear and nervousness of the past. I'm so glad I did the work I did with him so that he now stands quietly while I get in the cart, I no longer need someone to hold his head or to help me hitch him up! Why didn't I do this years ago! Oh, I didn't own Quzqo back then...I guess that's a good enough reason!
The Sunday before Labor Day this year was a balmy golden day, I got out to the barn around 5-ish. The horse already had eaten the bulk of his dinner, so he was in an accommodating, pleasant mood (Arabians are so much easier to deal with when they're in a good mood). Got him hitched up, and off we went down Lake Ann Road. A few cars whizzed by, a truck or two as well, he doesn't care, and I'm not as nervous as I used to be, driving on the road. Then I remind myself what happened the last time I got lackadaisical about anything involving the horse...8 screws and a metal plate in my leg, that's what!
We hooked a left onto Fewins Road, a nice dirt road with a few residences on it. We've been there before, only up to the top of the hill where I'd normally turn around and head back. Not today, today we go beyond the hill...we go....DOWN the hill!!!
We're talkin' STEEP...Poor Quzqo put on the brakes and braced his butt up against the breeching to hold the cart back as he carefully, but gamely, made his way down the slope! What a boy!
Of course it wouldn't be a trip down the steep, narrow hill with HIGH dirt banks on both sides (we're talking canyon quality here) without...a big dually pick-up truck coming the other way!!! There is room for a truck to pass if I pulled waaaay off to the side, but bless his heart, the driver just stopped at the bottom of the hill, off to the side, and waited. We took our time going down the hill, and when we got even to the truck, I thanked the fellow profusely for his consideration!! I appreciated it, more than he'll know!
Once off the hill, we had a nice trot to the next main road, and hooked a right onto the shoulder of that road. That's got a nice WIDE crushed gravel shoulder, plenty of room for horse and cart, and no houses, just woods on both sides. I got him trottin' and he put his shoulders to the breastcollar and just motored on up the road, me bouncing merrily along behind! What a blast!! A few cars slowed and passed us, but Quzqo just kept on trotting up the low hill to another intersection.
We turned right onto a paved residential street, in effect, going "around the block" (granted the "block" is a mile or so long on all four sides...). Oh, this was SO quiet and peaceful and downright magical with the golden early evening light, little bugs flittering in the sunlight, no sound but the horse's hooves on the pavement and the noise of the harness creaking and clinking. I'd wished I had a reclining cart seat so I could have really relaxed and enjoyed it.
We passed the Lake Ann Elementary School, and I wished I'd brought my recycling along, I could have dropped it off, ha ha! Maybe next time!
Back on to the road that the barn is on, about 1-1/2 miles to the south. Much more traffic, but again, a nice wide shoulder, many houses and driveways, but the horse didn't care. He was getting tuckered by then, and less inclined to be silly. We were passing one particularly nice home when I heard a dog barking, and saw a very large mixed breed tearing across the massive front lawn right for us. I had my whip at the ready...Quzqo sort of twisted between the shafts, trying to see what was coming up beside him, and I "felt" his hindquarters tense up for the bolt. The dog's owner was yelling after him "GUS! GUS! GET BACK HERE GUS!" but of course Gus wouldn't have any of it, and came running right into the road, into the path of an oncoming car!
Well, the car had already slowed because of the horse and cart (funny how drivers will slow for a horse and cart, but will blast right by a horse and rider like they aren't even there), and stopped while Gus' dad dragged him by his collar back to the house. Quzqo let out an audible sigh, and onward we walked.
That was such a wonderful drive, I'm glad we were "brave" enough to crest the hill and see what there was to see. I wouldn't do it again on a Saturday afternoon or a Wednesday morning, but Sunday evening on a holiday weekend...that's do-able.
I am lovin' that horse!
10 months ago
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