There's a huge consignment auction near here tomorrow, and this afternoon my ex-neighbor and I went to scope it out. First damned thing I see is this AMAZING two-wheeled horse cart!! It's gorgeous!! It's all I can think about now, LOL!!!
Turns out to be a Meadowbrook, painted dark maroon, made by the Hoosier Buggy Shop in Topeka, IN (just south of the Michigan border), they're still in was made in 1975 and other than some paint scuffies and a small (less than 1") chunk of rubber missing from one of the wheels, it appears to be in awesome shape! Amish made, and yes, it will fit Quzqo!!!
So now I'm all a'twitter about it, dare I? Dare I not? Should I wait? I'd really love to upgrade to a Wagner cart but those start at $2300.00...
Only drawback to this one is you have to get in from the rear and there's no way to bail out in an emergency. I dunno. I'll probably bid on it, what the hell, if it stays under $300. I can drive down to Topeka and buy new wheels if I need!
The auction site is about one mile from the barn, so it wouldn't be much trouble to get it there if I can't employ either my brother or my neighbor with their flatbed trailers. Worse comes to worse, I can tie the shafts to my luggage rack and drive very slowly down the shoulder of the road to the barn, LOL!
What do you think, sirs?
Even the leather bits are in good shape, the upholstery is great, no cracking or tears, the shafts are solid, the wheels aren't wobbly in the least.
No cart, y'all can relax! I didn't even go NEAR it so as to not feel the pangs of impending loss!
Don't know what the cart went for, since I left before they even got to it. I'd rather NOT know!
Hit the barn on my way home and brought in the new cart-less horse...there's this new family of boarders who annoy the HELL out of's a BIG family, lots of pre-teen boys and girls, they have a big TB named "Moose". And for SOME reason they insist on leading him around by his halter. No lead rope, just a hand on the halter. I mentioned it in a light-hearted manner to two of them, but they just looked at me like blank-eyed cows, so I think I'll just MYOB and if they get their fingers torn out of their sockets, well, sucks to be them.
Maybe Moose doesn't like to be lead with a rope, or tied...from his race track days, I don't know. The one girl was leading him around the arena in her SANDALS and she let out a huge scream and ran away, leaving Moose to wander...yep, he stepped on her. Gee, if he was on a lead rope, your feet would be further away from the horse's...duuhh!
Lots of yelling and fighting and all that loud kid crap that reminds me of my niece's family, including the threats of "if you can't behave go sit in the car!", ha ha! Poor Quzqo had to listen to all that, I made my escape!
Now I'm all the more determined to save up this winter for that lovely Wagner Pleasure Cart!
10 months ago
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