Friday, May 20, 2005

A Little Seller's Remorse?

Fri May 20, 2005

Was talking with Bob, the barn owner tonight, and he complemented me on how well Quzqo did at the horse show...then he said "By the end of the year he'll be so nice, you'll owe me more money for him!"

Erm, I don't THINK so, LOL! I told him I'd pay him in eggs...he laughed and agreed!

Should send HIM the bill for all the training, how about THAT (lessee..the trainer at the barn charges $500/mo....times 12...heh heh)...AND my Emergency Room bill from last October!

Ah, me.

I think Bob is a little torqued that he did sell Quzqo for such a cheap price, LOL, seeing what a great horse he was under all that hair and mess. Too bad, too sad! Mine now!

While I was bringing Quzqo into the barn tonight, I noticed there's a 4" or so step up into the I stopped him just inside the door, and attempted to back him out off the edge! He wouldn't do it!!! LOL! So traumatized by the trailer! He planted his feet and turned to look behind himself, just like in the trailer! I'd get one hoof off the concrete down to the ground (big 4" drop there), but no more. Eventually I DID get him to back off entirely...what a goober. I know what we're going to work on next!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

All Hail The Conquering Hero

Thu May 19, 2005

Well, conquering the issue of cantering for extended periods of time in a show ring environment!

Yes, we did get to the horse show last night! Quzqo loaded into my friend's three-horse slant load like a pro. UNloading however was another thing, LOL! Turns out the little bugger did NOT want to back out of the trailer (it was a step-up, no ramp)...he backed up nicely until his hoof hit thin air and dropped to the ground...that horse SPRANG back up into the trailer, freaked out of his little head...I was glad the walls were padded cuz we got real cozy in there, LOL! Squooosh! Tried to get him to back out four or five more times, once we got both hind feet on the ground, but each time he'd JUMP back into the trailer (never mind his feet were on the ground! GRR!). This was a predicament, because my friend's horse was in the front of the trailer, and we couldn't get HIM out until Quzqo was out.

Happily we were able to move the dividers/partitions apart enough, and thankfully Quzqo is so danged little, I was able to get him turned around in that small space, and he JUMPED out of the trailer like Pegasus himself! Sure was glad he had his shipping boots on though!

Walked him around the arena, he was almost clingy, not crowding me, but staying close. But we were both sighing and relaxing by the time we got halfway around. I tried to lunge him a bit, but he wouldn't move away, just pivoted beautifully on the forehand, LOL...

They have Showmanship classes first, so people were busy practicing...and one woman had THE most ***GORGEOUS*** Percheron...OMG, he/she was glorious!!...LONNNG flowing white tail, thick cresty neck (maybe it wasn't a "she", lol), but a strange looked grey, but it wasn't dappled at all...up close it looked roan, but not a dark-pointed/headed roan. You could see the individual white/black hairs (he looked like an etched model)...but gawd he was beautiful...had on his shiny black leather show halter, and they were practicing setting up and all. Phew!

Got Quzqo tacked up (wiggly little thing when he's nervous)...I'd fixed him up with Tezlu's old hay bag, and the goofy guy I guess has no experience with a canvas type hay bag (as opposed to a hay net)...he grabbed a fat mouthful of hay, yanked back, the whole bag flopped, and he freaked himself out, trying to rear away, LOL! At least my quick-release knot held admirably! Once he figured out how to get the hay out and to not make the bag flop, he was happy until he managed to flip the bag backwards, so the opening with the hay was facing the trailer...he stood and looked at me until I came and fixed it for him, goofy lad!

Once mounted we headed back for the arena...was a little tense there...never mind he'd just been there, this time I wasn't at his side, but on his back, and suddenly the red and white striped pavilion by the arena was SCARY! The gate at the end was SCARY! But he saw the other horses weren't scared or worried, and we both calmed down and did some good warm-ups. Got him cantering a bit and he did quite well I thought!

Show started, so we had to clear the arena, and ended up in the small warm-up ring, where last June I took him and he reared and spun the entire time, LOL! Not so this year, he happily do-bopped around with all the other horses.

Some teen was riding a BEAUTIFUL (duuh) Friesian!! Now I've NEVER seen a Friesian in any horse show up here, so that in itself was a treat...was glad it was a teen riding him, which meant it wouldn't be in MY class, LOL...God that thing had a trot to die for...whew! Getting to be Big Time, Friesians and all!!

Eventually it was our class time (3rd class on the showbill)...I think we were like 5th or 6th to enter the arena, it was a rather large class (for a weeknight fun show), I counted at least 12 horses when I was in the line-up. Had trouble getting Quzqo into a trot to enter the ring, then discovered I was on the wrong diagonal posting,'s damned hard to post when all the strength has melted from your legs and arms! I swear, I don't know how I made it around that arena even once, I was a nervous WRECK! As we came around by the entry gate, MORE horses were coming in, so we had to cut across the arena to make we approached the announcer's stand, this beautiful dapple grey QH was on our right...and the thing SPOOKED violently at the stand, almost plowing sideways into us! Quzqo broke stride of course, and jumped sideways to get out of the way, but I was able to get him back into a nice trot (and I was on the correct diagonal!)...doubt the judge could count that against US!

I tell ya, it was SO different riding Quzqo in a class than Tezlu...judge called for the walk, he slowed right down and walked so nice for me...she called for a canter, it took a few strides to get him going, but Quzqo went right into a sweet canter on the correct lead!! Granted it wasn't some draggy QH-type lope, he had a lot of energy in his stride, but isn't that the point of a canter, to get somewhere? He didn't run off, he didn't yank and pull, not once did I feel ANY tug on the reins, in fact a few times I felt slack! Granted every few seconds I had to jab him with my outside heel to keep him in the canter, but he did so willingly! When the judge called for the walk and reverse, Quzqo slowed right down...with Tezlu, it would have been a long-time coming, that downward transition, LOL!

We went the other direction, Quzqo picked up the canter even nicer that way (which is his "good" way I'm thinking...right lead), and slowed to a sweet trot when asked...and into the line-up. The judge asked us to all back up at once (time-saver) was like that gag where the Commander asks for volunteers to step forward, and all the soldiers step backwards but one, leaving the one standing out front by himself? Yep, that's what happened...Quzqo wouldn't back for love or money!

Course we didn't even place, but in a class of 12 horses (at least), it's not so bad (if it was a class of 7 horses, I would have been disappointed). The horse that did win was a 5-figure sum Class "A" Arabian showhorse from the show barn where I used to, duuuur, who could compete, eh? I bet HE didn't learn his cantering cues a mere 7 months ago! Hey, I'm thrilled with how Quzqo did...definitely worth the $4 entry fee, LOL!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Still on Needles and Pins

Wed May 18, 2005


IF my friend's SO brings the truck back in time this afternoon, and IF she gets her web site coding done (she's a web designer by trade), then yes, it's a trip to the horse show tonight!!

She left her trailer at the barn just in case...then it's a matter of catching the horses, packing up the tack, loading the horses (gee, I wonder how Quzqo loads....Huh...), driving the 20 miles or so to the fairgrounds...*gulp*

They run Showmanship classes first, so that's a good 45 minutes of prep time, but the warm-up ring is miniscule and to get there early-early to get into the main show arena to practice...considering I've never RIDDEN him in there before...he's been led into there for halter classes before. The one time I tried riding him in the warm-up ring he spent the whole short time rearing! LOL! But that was last July, I'd only owned him two MONTHS, so...hopefully he's a little nicer by now?

I wore my riding jeans to work Just In Case...shipping boots and haybag are already in the car!

On Pins and Needles

Wed May 18, 2005

Waiting to hear from a friend at the horse barn, she wants to take her 4 yr old QH to tonight's fun show at the fairgrounds, and invited Quzqo and myself along as well! That'd be his first "Big Horse" ridden class experience (with cantering)! BUT she has to see if she can borrow the truck from the shack-up honey to tow her trailer, *sigh*. I told her to let me know by 2 p.m. today so I can have time to sneak out of work early, but nothing yet....


Haven't done diddly in the way of practicing with the horse, though I did canter him nicely Saturday. Last night I just chased him in the round pen, then took him and the corgi for a nice walk-trot trail ride around the fences.


Half of me hopes she can't get the truck, LOL!