Wed Mar 7, 2007
Got to the barn around 7 last night, and the horses were still out (grrr)...the teens never showed up (understandable, since we had VERY heavy snowfall and the roads were horrible), so Bob's daughter, Sarah & her boyfriend, Cowboy Brian. were doing the evening chores (Bob & his wife took off to FLORIDA for the week, dirty dog! So that's where my board money is going!!).
Sarah asked me to go ahead and open the gate of the Bad Boyz pasture to let the geldings into the "holding area" near the barn, so she could start bringing them in. They were more than ready to come in, and I opened the gate, and in flowed around 10 big ole' Geldings, from the new 4 yr old QH named Emmett, to the Shire! Cusco hung back and waited until everything cleared out, then he came ambling and nickering to me...still wearing his blanket this time!
Got his halter on, and wondered HOW the hell I'm going to wade through all those milling geldings congregating by the gate! With the lead rope in my left hand, we marched into the fray, and only had to fling the rope at that damned Buster the QH...but amazingly...without Quzqo or me doing anything...the other geldings immediately moved away...and I mean FAR away...about 6 of them went to the far end of the paddock, the furthest distance from the gate...a few more backed off about 10 feet, and only Emmett hung by the gate, and a tossed lead rope shooed him off...and we were able to exit without anybody pinning ears or charging or crowding!
I've heard stories of how Coos acts at the gate when it's time to come in...pretty much hogging the gate, squealing and kicking like a maniac at any horse who comes near, LOL!! So maybe he's taught those other horses what the Little White Horse can dish out!! I believe it after that demonstration last night!
No new bites on him either, though the scabs have peeled off his old ones, leaving disgustingly bloody oozy-looking ouchies...all part of the healing though. *sigh*.
Size matters not! That's what Coos taught them horses, LOL!
10 months ago
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