Friday, June 18, 2004

Friday Evening Update

Fri Jun 18, 2004

No big news, we didn't have that good an evening...he wasn't interested, my leg hurt, he ignored Mr. Whip, and we were both more interested in watching a pair of Paints fight through the metal livestock fencing outside, LOL! Ah well.

Did get to witness the spectacle of a small palomino sabino pony (about 13hh) mounting and humping a full-grown QH mare out in the pasture! My lord, that little fella was hung like a horse!! It's a wonder he didn't trip over the thing!!! Whew!! The mare seemed to enjoy it...Quzqo was more interested in getting a drink of water, LOL! I suspect they gelded my horse pretty early, that's my thinkin'.

I HOPE that pony was gelded...or somebody's going to get a big surprise in 11 months!

As a side note, I measured Cooz (snark) for a fly sheet, and huzzah, he's the SAME size (74") as Tezlu!! Which means I don't have to dish out money for a new expensive winter blanket!! He may be shorter in body length, but he's definitely wider in body width, so it all evens out!

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