Sunday, June 13, 2004

A Horse In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Pasture

Sun Jun 13, 2004 6:24 pm

No riding today, too tired, BUT we had a successful Pasture Experience! Remember I mentioned how he'd plant his feet and rear back, head up, eyes rolling? Well, he tried that twice coming back to the barn, so instead of fiddlefarting around by leading him sideways or returning to his shoulder and all, I just held tight to the lead rope and stood there as rock solid as he was...An irresistible Force meeting the Immovable Object. (what's that Dr. Seuss story about the two creatures who met and neither one would move aside for the other so they stood there until the end of time?)

Luckily, one of us is a wimp, and the first confrontation lasted maybe 30 seconds before the horse relaxed, lowered his head, and continued walking at my elbow. The second time it happened it lasted maybe 15 seconds. And from then on, he was walking right at my elbow like a champ! LOL!

That even carried on into the indoor arena, I'd set up some walkover obstacles, something he would have a 50/50 chance of refusing, but no, he walked over 'em repeatedly. Very good!

So, today he got brushed, apple slices, a massage, and tucked into his stall for the evening! Now he knows every time he gets taken to the barn, it doesn't automatically mean he'll be ridden!

That and I'm just lazy (and worn out!), LOL!

P.S. Your FYI of the Day: Dapple Grey Horses have BLACK Armpits! You heard
it here first! (assuming they have black skin, I suppose)

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